Online English Exam Preparation
Preparing for an exam is never a fun task, we know!
We try to make this stressful time as FUN and EFFICIENT as possible for you.
Over 95% of our students pass the exam with the score they want
We will help you pass that exam with the score you hope for.
Why don’t you give it a try?
IELTS is accepted by thousands of institutions around the world.
If you want to study abroad, for example in London, having a good IELTS score can make it happen.
TOEFL is the world’s most accepted English exam for studying, work and immigration.
To study in the USA, your school will most likely require a good TOEFL score.
Cambridge Exams
Cambridge Exams are versatile and can be requested for so many reasons.
Do you want to show your English level as an addition to your curriculum? A Cambridge exam result would be the best way to do it.
List of Cambridge Exams
Pre A1 Starters – YLE Starters
A1 Movers – YLE Movers
A2 Flyers – YLE Flyers
A2 Key for Schools – KET
B1 Preliminary for Schools – PET
B1 Business Preliminary – BEC Preliminary
B2 First (and for Schools) – FCE
B2 Business Vantage – BEC Vantage
C1 Advanced – CAE
C1 Business Higher – BEC Higher
C2 Proficiency – CPE
Oposiciones & EOI
Spanish English exams can help you get your dream job.
If you want to work as a public servant in Spain, you will need to pass an English test.
We can give you an additional support for the Escuela Oficial de Idiomas (EOI) exams.
Do you want to book lessons?
If you want our help with your exams, book your Exam Prep lesson right away !